Domain Name Appraisal, Does It Help Sell?
No two domain names in this world are equal. Every domain has its own quality. This is also true with every thing in life. Not all domain names are designed equal as it is commonly noted.
One of the main logic that show this about the domain names is the fact that some of the choices for words in English have already been broken up as domains, thus some of the good domains are worth more than others.
With aforesaid fact about the value of domain names, one of the major process that exist in domain name industry is the domain name appraisal.
Domain name appraisal emerged out of the need to price domain names so that a value can be attached to a domain name.
So what literally is the domain appraisal? Domain appraisal is one of the ways of weighing up a domain name against similar domains and comparing their sales data, which then provides a rough worth of a domain name.
Real estate appraisal are conducted in a similar manner, where similar properties are compared in price to come-up with a value of the property in question.
The fact is that domain name appraisal is a personal opinion of the person appraising the domain and is a opinion only not a fact.
Domain name experts in the industry have recognized that quality and value of the domains worth cannot be definitively proved by current methods.
Even though the current method of domain name appraisal is a mere opinion, the domain name appraisal can still be useful.
Getting domain name appraisal gives the owner a fairly good idea as to the value of the domain and a price point when its time to sell that domain.
When appraising a domain name, number of factors are considered. These factors include the domain name’s length, keyword recognition, and potential uses.
If you want to get the domain appraised, the appraisal will cost you few dollars, but if you have a large number of domains you can always negotiate a better price.
In the domain name industry appraisals are the only means of knowing the approximate worth of a domain name. Even if a domain name is appraised at a high value, there no guarantee that it will sell at that price.
Now here are the available names for the Weekends:
Daily Available Domain Auction List July 29, 2017
I post these lists for informational purposes only. Please don’t interpret the lists as a recommendation to buy. Do your research, including trademark searches before buying.