Domain Name Backordering services is provided by many domain registrars. Since good domain names increase in value over time, buying domains from this service is an investment for many investors.
It’s a services that is available to the public at a minimal cost.
Anybody with internet connection and money has the ability to back-order domain name when it goes up for sale.
Many companies and domainers all over the world use domain back-ordering service to acquire valuable and popular domain names.
What happens if by chance the present domain owner forgets to renew the domain name.
In this case, someone who is interested in this domain name sees the fact that this domain name is going to expire soon, and will be up for sale, so they can place a back-order on this domain name and quietly wait to see if the domain gets renewed or not.
If the previous domain owner forgets to renew the domain name, after some grace period it becomes available, and gets taken by a back-ordering service on buyers behalf.
By simply neglecting to renew the domain name the previous owner looses the domain and someone else now owns it.
If you own a .ca (Canadian domain name) which is protected by the CIRA, or if your domain name has a trademark, you can get the name back, otherwise you are out of luck.
It is possible in certain cases to regain the ownership of the lost domain, but it may take long time and lot of expense before you can prove that the domain name rightly belongs to you.
Losing your domain name can be disastrous! Your brand and identity is your domain name in this online world.
You should always protect your domain name! Your domain and website is the most important asset you have on the internet. It is more important now than before to protect this property.
Daily Available Domain Auction List July 31, 2017
I post these lists for informational purposes only. Please don’t interpret the lists as a recommendation to buy. Do your research, including trademark searches before buying.