Expired Domain Picks January 9, 2018 list contains some of the domain names I like at auction today.
AutoWin.com with 36 bids and high bid of $1500, Agree.net getting 57 bids and price at $1280, WomensJackets.com currently at $1500 with 36 bids, WeatherPages.com with a high price of $1000 and 41 bids, LongDongSilver.com with 14 bids high bid of $1477, Juiciness.com getting 84 bids and the price is at $1050.
Here are today’s names. Click the Domain link for current price.
Namejet Daily List of Expiring Domain Names
GoDaddy Expired Domains Auction
Dropcatch Domains at Auction
7Ways.com" |
AnimalRepublic.com" |
ClearFlight.com" |
CovertCoin.com" |
HoloHealth.com" |
HostBank.com" |
Idilia.com" |
Razor.org" |
RichLine.com" |
Silur.com" |
SwissPack.com" |
UrbanHaven.com" |
I post these daily list of domains for informational purposes only. Please don’t interpret the lists as a recommendation to buy. Do your research, including trademark searches before buying.