October’s 10 Top Trending Keywords
With Marijuana and Crypto taking the top spot in .com and .net extension registrations for the month of October, 2017.
The top name extension in .com are Cannabis related names and in .net extension are the Blockchain related names.
Below is the list of 10 trending keywords registered in October 2017.
.COM | .NET |
Cannabis | Blockchain |
Block | Luxury |
International | Cheap |
Bank | Guru |
Marijuana | Expo |
Corporation | Finn |
America | Jerseys |
Blockchain | Sucks |
Christmas | Miss |
Cremation | Catering |
source: Verisign
Here are today’s names. Click the Domain link for current price.
Namejet Daily List of Expiring Domain Names
GoDaddy Expired Domains Auction
Dropcatch Domains at Auction
123663.com |
BestPrints.com |
CollectHouse.com |
EncoreMortgage.com |
GoldenBeetle.com |
Luggy.com |
MetroMasti.com |
MicroSD.COM |
ShareMyBook.com |
TokyoKids.com |
I post these daily list of domains for informational purposes only. Please don’t interpret the lists as a recommendation to buy. Do your research, including trademark searches before buying.